
The Minion Rush Encyclopedia is the ULTIMATE resource for EVERYTHING Minion Rush related!

Hello Fellow Minion Rushers!

Watch the video above to learn more about our project!


The Minion Rush Encyclopedia Blog is our primary communication method outside of Discord! In The Minion Rush Encyclopedia Blog, you will find the latest updates and information on community events or website changes. Check out our BRAND NEW blog below, and let us know what you think in our community-managed Discord server! 😉


If you are interested in contributing to the Minion Rush Encyclopedia Project, please join our Discord server. Our project is dependent on voluntary contributors, so any help would be greatly appreciated (and possibly rewarded)! 😁

About Us

The Minion Rush Encyclopedia is a collaborative effort between many members of the Minion Rush community to archive and compile as much information about Despicable Me Minion Rush as possible. The project was started by ftvfuntimevideos with resource contributions from Jayden Tries and KrizzlySnider.

⚠ Under Construction! ⚠

This website is currently under development! There is copious amounts of work left to be done before it is properly finished. If you would like to help us finish this project more quickly, please consider joining our community-managed Discord server. Then, upon joining, visit the "Encyclopedia Project" category, click on the #contribute-assets channel, and ask if there's anything you can do to help with the project. You should receive a response within 24 hours with further instructions.


This website has been made possible with the help of the following individuals! Check out their social links below!

Jayden Tries ftvfuntimevideos Infinity Minions Minion 2590 Kanaza XsamM Productions
Other Links